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Testing It-Geeks


We love reviews and feedback on the Mac Ride kid’s bike seat. What we love even more is hearing from families, like Wenonah’s, about all the great memories they have from...

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Testing It-Geeks

How We Manage Adventure Travel With Our Kids(Demo)

We love to travel almost as much as we love to mountain bike. Almost. What’s even better is when we can combine both activities in one! We’ve definitely found that travelling...

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Ashley Howard

Tools & Tips to Avoid Getting Stranded While Trail Riding

Unexpected things can happen on the trail, especially when you factor kids into the mix. As parents, we find ourselves spending countless hours trying to prepare for everything yet still...

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Ashley Howard

How We Manage Adventure Travel With Our Kids

We love to travel almost as much as we love to mountain bike. Almost. What’s even better is when we can combine both activities in one! We’ve definitely found that...

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Ashley Howard

@GetOutThereAustralia: Our Experience with the Mac Ride Kid’s Bike Seat

We’re so grateful to have such a strong community out there on the trails using our seat. One such family, who’s been there from the beginning, is @GetOutThereAustralia. This adventurous...

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Ashley Howard

Are Your Kids Afraid to Bike? Here Are Some Ideas to Get Your Kids from Fearful to Fearless

With any kind of new activity, there's always a bit of fear for most children. Learning to ride a bike can be scary. Riding a bike for one child will...

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Ashley Howard

How Mountain Biking Together Has Created More Family Quality Time

Ever had a self-doubting day? One of those days where your toddler was pushing all of your buttons that morning? They wouldn’t put on their socks, brush their teeth or...

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Ashley Howard

Winter Biking with the Kids? No Problem, but Gear Up with These Tips First

It’s that time of year already for those of us North of the Equator! We’ve all put the snow tires on the car, and we’re ready for snow. It’s also...

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Ashley Howard

Why Kids Need to Learn How to Ride a Bike

We all want to do the best for our kids. We want to make sure we give them the tools to lead a happy and healthy life. We want to...

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