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Ashley Howard

An Interview with a Mac Ride Family: Angela Coates

Angela and her husband Steve love anything that has two wheels. In fact, downhill racing is how they met 10 years ago. So it should come as no surprise that...

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Ashley Howard

An Interview with a Mac Ride Family: Martin Gaissert

We’ve known Martin since before the first Mac Ride child bike seat became public. We were still in the early stages of the invention when Martin reached out to support...

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Ashley Howard

Why We Prefer Balance Bikes to Training Wheels — All Day, Every Day

Chances are that if you opened up the archives of your memory and thought back to how you learned to ride a bike, a pair of training wheels would come...

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Ashley Howard

Are Your Kids Afraid to Bike? Here Are Some Ideas to Get Your Kids from Fearful to Fearless

With any kind of new activity, there's always a bit of fear for most children. Learning to ride a bike can be scary. Riding a bike for one child will...

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Ashley Howard

How Mountain Biking Together Has Created More Family Quality Time

Ever had a self-doubting day? One of those days where your toddler was pushing all of your buttons that morning? They wouldn’t put on their socks, brush their teeth or...

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Ashley Howard

Winter Biking with the Kids? No Problem, but Gear Up with These Tips First

It’s that time of year already for those of us North of the Equator! We’ve all put the snow tires on the car, and we’re ready for snow. It’s also...

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